Wednesday 11th September (OpenMP tutorial)

Below is the full program for the tutorials. Abstracts and more details are linked for each tutorial.

The tutorials will be in building 423, room 340 (423-340)

8:30am Registration opens
9:00am The OpenMP Common Core
Yun (Helen) He and Ruud van der Pas. Tutorial details here and slides.
10:30am Morning tea
11:00am Introduction to 'OpenMP Common Core' -- continued
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm Advanced OpenMP (Performance and Correctness)
Joachim Protze and Volker Weinberg. Tutorial details here and slides: 01, 02, 03.
4:00pm Afternoon tea
4:30pm Accelerators
Tom Scogland. Tutorial details here
6:00pm Day concludes